* means link features a forum
The Laszlo Institute of New Paradigm Research Conference: This international meeting of world-renowned thinkers and scientists is dedicated to what may be the most important question of our life: is our consciousness mortal and ending with the demise of our body, or is it a basic phenomenon in nature that continues beyond this life - and life after life? Bagni Di Lucca, Tuscany Italy,
July 16th-17th, 2016
The Science of Consciousness Conference TSC 2018, Tucson - Conciousness Chronicles: An interdisciplinary conference aimed at rigorous and leading edge approaches to all aspects of the study of conscious experience. These include neuroscience, psychology, philosophy, cognitive science, artificial intelligence, molecular biology, medicine, quantum physics, and cosmology, as well as art, technology, and experiential and contemplative approaches. TSC conferences have been held in even-numbered years in Tucson, Arizona, sponsored and organized by the Center for Consciousness Studies at the University of Arizona. In odd-numbered years TSC conferences have been held at various locations around the world.
The Science of Consciousness 2019
The Science of Consciousness (TSC) 2019 is the 26th international interdisciplinary conference on fundamental questions and cutting-edge issues connected with conscious experience. TSC is the largest and longest-running interdisciplinary conference emphasizing conceptual, empirical, cultural and even artistic approaches to the study of consciousness. Held annually since 1994, the TSC conferences alternate between Tucson, Arizona, and various locations around the world.
Science and Nonduality (SANDS) Conference 2018
WHEN - 2018 Workshops begin October 24th Main Conference October 25th- 28th WHERE - Dolce Hayes Mansion, San Jose, CA - Workshops begin October 24th - Main Conference October 25th- 28th. Science and Nonduality (SAND) provides a forum where preeminent scientists, philosophers, teachers, artists and a large, international community gather to explore and advance the new paradigm emerging in spirituality, that is both grounded in cutting-edge science and consistent with the ancient wisdom of nonduality — the deep understanding of the interconnectedness of life. Ultimately, SAND is a playground where we come together to explore and share insights or simply reflect on what is emerging in consciousness.
Natalie Wolchover A writer for Quanta Magazine who's topical reviews form a portfolio of cutting-edge scientific work featuring quantum perspectives. Quanta Magazine Quanta's mission is to enhance public understanding of research developments in mathematics and the physical and life sciences. Quanta articles do not necessarily represent the views of the Simons Foundation.
Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness Are the Keys to Understanding the True Nature of the Universe by Robert Lanza with Bob Berman, published by BenBella Books in May 2009. Quantum mechanics is the physicist’s most accurate model for describing the world of the atom. But it also makes some of the most persuasive arguments that conscious perception is integral to the workings of the universe. Some of the greatest physicists have described these results as so confounding they are impossible to comprehend fully, beyond the reach of metaphor, visualization, and language itself. But there is another interpretation that makes them sensible. Instead of assuming a reality that predates life and even creates it, we propose a biocentric picture of reality. From this point of view, life—particularly consciousness—creates the universe, and the universe could not exist without us.
Discovery of the Higgs Boson The Higgs boson or Higgs particle is an elementary particle initially theorised in 1964, and tentatively confirmed to exist on 14 March 2013. The discovery appears to confirm the existence of the Higgs field, which is pivotal to the Standard Model and other theories within particle physics. See also: The Higgs boson made simple A selection of perspectives 7/2012, delving into the mysterious "God Particle" with preliminary evidence from the Cern Collider.
Cornell University Library- Open access to 383,904 e-prints in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science and Quantitative Biology This is where physicists publish their work these days...in the General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology archive.
Physics, Mysticism, and the New Holographic Paradigm- Ken Wilber's cautious overview
"The work of these scientists--Bohm, Pribram, Wheeler, and all--is too important to be weighed down with wild speculations on mysticism. And mysticism itself is too profound to be hitched to phases of empirical scientific theorizing. Let them appreciate each other, and let their dialogue and mutual exchange of ideas never cease. But unwarranted and premature marriages usually end in divorce, and all too often a divorce that terribly damages both parties."
Concept of 'hypercosmic God' The one million dollar Templeton prize in 2009 goes to French physicist and philosopher of science Bernard d'Espagnat for his "studies into the concept of reality". D'Espagnat, 87, is a professor emeritus of theoretical physics at the University of Paris-Sud, and is known for his work on quantum mechanics. Through science, he says, we can glimpse some basic structures of the reality beneath the veil, but much of it remains an infinite, eternal mystery. So what is it, really, that is veiled? At times d'Espagnat calls it a Being or Independent Reality or even "a great, hypercosmic God". It is a holistic, non-material realm that lies outside of space and time, but upon which we impose the categories of space and time and localisation via the mysterious Kantian categories of our minds.
The Absolute and Manifestation Alan Kazlev applies his considerable intellect to creating a provisional model for an Integral Theory of Everything. His current version defines the nature and relationship of states and stages of the metaphysical landscape that have the greatest credibility for modeling absolute reality. Mere rationality is insufficient to meet the challenge of bringing the vast compendium of knowledge in religion, philosophy, metaphysics and science into a coherent whole and Kheper brings a highly evolved intuition into his project- setting aside the irrelevant to present a paradigm of exceptional simplicity, clarity and relevance.
Reconciling Science and Spirituality Quantum Yoga by Amit Goswami, IONS Review #56, June - Aug. 2001 - Preface to the book endorsing efforts to develop a synthesis between traditionally opposed disciplines.
Anthropic Principle Debate Lee Smolin and Leonard Susskind debate the merits of their competing theories- Cosmological Natural Selection and loop quantum gravity versus String Theory and the anthropic principle respectively. They also disagree on Popper's principle of falsifiability as a criteria for scientific validity.
Anthropic Principle- an illuminating overview of the subject by Nick Bostrom- Faculty of Philosophy, Oxford University.
Anthropic Synchronicity Examining Anthropic Synchronicity-
as a phylogeny of a living universal matrix - a Meta-Gaia - its myriad features each an essential element in the cosmogenic function of an evolutionary continuum that gave birth to a lifeform with the level of intelligence we humans are imbued with. (Have I been led intuitively to this ultimate realization of what my acronym Maya-Gaia infers...that Maya refers to the totality of the perceived and unperceivable universe as imagined by our consciousness and that Gaia is the immanent manifestation of that transcendent body? -mg)
My Big Toe: Awakening- A Trilogy Unifying Philosophy, Physics, and Metaphysics by Thomas Campbell, 2003 Review by Ted Vollers Thomas Campbell's trilogy of books not only develop a Theory Of Everything but do so starting from what is arguably the most advanced concept of modern physics, a universal consciousness which generates everything else but not in the sense of God creating a separate physical reality of which we are a part. Rather as a consciousness that is native to a media that is the most basic "thing" existing, a field of "reality cells" in which the interactions between adjacent cells permit and form the basis of the functions of consciousness and allow anything that might be done as a computation in a digital computer to occur. See also
google books preview.
The Myth of Quantum Consciousness by Victor J. Stenger Published in The Humanist, 1992. A new myth is burrowing its way into modern thinking. The notion is spreading that the principles embodied in quantum mechanics imply a central role for the human mind in determining the very nature of the universe. Not surprisingly, this idea can be found in New Age periodicals and in many books on the metaphysical shelves of book stores. But it also can appear where you least expect it, even on the pages of that bastion of rational thinking,The Humanist. In an article in the November/December 1992 issue entitled "The Wise Silence", Robert Lanza says that, according to the current quantum mechanical view of reality, "We are all the ephemeral forms of a consciousness greater than ourselves".
Evolutionary Mystic A forum that presents postings mainly by published authors, spiritual gurus, academics, about spiritual and mystical topics that results in an indexed compendium featuring metaphysical paradigms (primarily adaptations from the non dual and esoteric traditions) and including postmodern integral perspectives.
Science and Nonduality A wordpress Blog Brahman (the undifferentiated consciousness of the void) is the only truth, the world is an illusion (an animation of images projected from a holographic screen to the central focal point of an observer), and there is ultimately no difference between Atman (the central focal point of differentiated consciousness of the observer) and Brahman (the undifferentiated consciousness of the void). The Real Time Traveler on January 25, 2017; The Scientific Basis for Nisargadatta's Description of Reality on January 10, 2017; Postcard from Nirvana on August 25, 2016; Matter is a Form of Consciousness on June 11, 2016; The Metaphysics of Modern Physics on March 11, 2016; On the Ultimate Nature of Reality on January 10, 2016; On the Nature of Information and Consciousness on December 26, 2015; Who Am I? on October 1, 2015; What is Life? on August 2, 2015; How is the World Created from Nothing? on June 20, 2015; The Nature of Being on June 7, 2015; The Nature of Physical and Non-Physical Reality on March 7, 2015; Ascended Consciousness Sees Everything, but Knows Nothing, except "I Am" on September 28, 2014; Why is Jed McKenna Anti-Science? on June 11, 2014
Integrated Theory of Intelligence Dr. Roger D. Blomquist - Head of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine at the Sevier Valley Hospital in Richfield, Utah. Highly readable online presentation of a Theory of Everything. See chapter on Cosmic Consciousness: Universal Consciousness; universal mind; universal memory; universal intelligence; holographic memory; collective unconsciousness; collective consciousness.
The Privileged Planet Book by Guillermo Gonzalez and Jay Richards and video and DVD documentary produced by Discovery Institute with reviews and endorsements
In Defense of Priviledged Planet An open letter by Guillermo Gonzalez in response to critiques about his religiosity.
Rare Earth In planetary astronomy and astrobiology, the Rare Earth hypothesis argues that the emergence of complex multicellular life (metazoa) on Earth (and, subsequently, intelligence) required an improbable combination of astrophysical and geological events and circumstances. The hypothesis argues that complex extraterrestrial life requires an Earth-like planet with similar circumstance and that few if any such planets exist. The term "Rare Earth" originates from Rare Earth: Why Complex Life Is Uncommon in the Universe (2000), a book by Peter Ward, a geologist and paleontologist, and Donald E. Brownlee, an astronomer and astrobiologist.
Rare Earth Debate Debate between Dr. Peter Ward and Dr. Seth Shostak. Doctor Seth Shostak is an astronomer with the SETI institute in California and Doctor Peter Ward, one of the book's authors, is a paleontologist at the University of Washington in Seattle.
The Anthropic UniverseThe Science Show with David Deutsch, Frank Tipler, Martin Rees, Paul Davies, Martin Redfern and John Wheeler
Being Different Book by Rajiv Malhotra. Malhotra writes with passion from within an avowedly dharmic stance, undermining the attempts to domesticate and expropriate India's own intellectual traditions, including the ontological claims of Indic cosmology, the epistemology of yogic experience, the unique Indic appreciation for complexity, and the nuances of Sanskritic expression - in a process of interreligious dialogue that is ultimately based on a Western cosmological framework. See also: College Lecture Video of lecture/discussion with young college students at Somaiya Institutes, Mumbai. Malhotra promotes the Indic roots for the full integration of the inner journey and for approaches to the study of biophysics and cognitive and neurological sciences.
General Revelation and the Anthropic Cosmological Principle- reasons for optimism that God has made himself "known" to everyone by Hal N. Ostrander, Ph.D. A Paper Presented to The Evangelical Theological Society, 1997 A precursor to Rare Earth and Privileged Planet books that introduces the cosmological constants and anthropic principles to argue for a reality to a cosmic consciousness.
Quantum Physics Glossary the nth dimension
Quantum Mind 2003 Abstracts for papers presented at 2003 symposium- Consciousness, Quantum Physics and the Brain at The U. of Arizona, Tucson
The Internet- Our New Path to God by Lynn Woodland 2006 The chaos theorist, Ralph Abraham...believes the explosive growth of the World Wide Web has increased the bandwidth of the mind's connections and increased the overall intelligence of our species. The early twentieth century philosopher, Pierre Teilhad de Chardin, anticipated this quickening of human consciousness, Dulcinos writes, in his theory of noogenesis, a theory that as humans stopped evolving biologically, they began an evolution of consciousness. "The World Wide Web is the material manifestation of Teilhard's vision." Dulchinos himself speculates that, "the Internet represents the latest manifestation, in the material world, of the ongoing evolution of consciousness.
Explorations in Neo-Vedanta and Perennialism Informal Essays and Book Reviews Examining Basic Themes and Ideas in Neo-Vedanta, Neo-Advaita, Perennialism, and Transpersonal Theory by Kelamuni (mg comment: Examines original works of founders of the non dual traditions with exceptional insight and clarity.)
Integral Postmetaphysical Spirituality - What paths lie ahead for religion and spirituality in the 21st Century? How might the insights of modernity and post-modernity impact and inform humanity's ancient wisdom traditions? How are we to enact, together, new spiritual visions - independently, or within our respective traditions - that can respond adequately to the challenges of our times? This group is for anyone interested in exploring these questions and tracing out the horizons of an integral post-metaphysical spirituality.
Quantum Epiontic Consciousness: The Ultimate Nondual 'Matrix'of Reality by Graham Smetham Jan. 2011 Abstract: It is quite clear that the new quantum perspective indicates that all sentient beings carry a small part of the infinite awareness-consciousness which lies within the heart of reality. This also means that, as John Wheeler in the twentieth century and Buddhist philosophers for at least the last two thousand years have suggested, sentient beings are the agents through which the epiontic ground of the process of reality creates the dualistic world of experience. In fact it seems as if we live in an Epiontic Universe within which the perceptions and activities of all sentient beings determine how, within the limits of the available potentialities, the universe actually manifests. Furthermore human beings, because of their greater sphere of free-will are primarily responsible for the fate and nature of the universe on all levels of manifestation. And, as Stapp, Wheeler, Zurek and others indicate, the intentions and perceptions of sentient beings have a universal impact upon the quantum ground, vanishingly tiny though it may be for any particular individual being. This impact of the intentionality and perceptual activities of sentient beings upon deep levels of the quantum Mindnature universe is such that, as Wheeler and others have clearly indicated, the actual fabric of the appearance of the material world is produced, over vast time scales, by the quantum epiontic mechanism.
Cosmic Consciousness Is Science Closing In? An overview examination of the scientific evidence for the notion that our consciousness is a continuum of a conscious cosmic matrix and some of the controversy it has generated.
Cosmic Model Phenomenological evidence from my transcendent journey that supports the notion that electromagnetic wave action that fills universal space and its entanglement with our neurophoton fields may be the fundamental manifestation of a Conscious Cosmic Matrix.
Maya-Gaia Introduction and Sitemap to a chronicle of effort to integrate a spontaneous episode of Cosmic Consciousness through a synthesis of the primary revelation of the Nirvikalpa Samadhi experience with religious, metaphysical and mystical traditions and quantum science.
Nirvikalpa Samadhi: Wikipedia Redux. This is Maya-Gaia's original version (since completely deleted) of the Wikipedia article. See current version The Discussion Page is a transcript of the tedious dialog that transpired over the edits.
Panpsychism and Consciousness A scientific discourse on panpsychism: We think the world we see around us is composed of matter- that the stuff of the world is, for the want of a better word, matterstuff. As far as the actual physical reality is concerned, this may be so- uncertain though we may be as to the ultimate nature of this matterstuff. But the world we see around us is not the physical world. The world we actually know, is the world that takes form in our mind. And this world is not made of matterstuff, but mindstuff. Everything we know, perceive, and imagine, every color, sound, sensation, thought, and feeling, is a form that consciousness has taken on. As far as this world is concerned, everything is structured in consciousness.
Update 12 19 10: Introduction and link to the
Evolution-Involution Slideshow. A flash production designed to provide perspective and contemplation of the glorious reality of Gaia as manifestation of the physical universe that resulted in the creation of Earth, life and our human evolution. A tribute to the the awesome story of our miraculous progression from a singularity to single-cell to hominid for ever-greater intellectual facility to eventually enable us to contemplate God consciousness. It is a also an infinitesimal step to fulfill the desire by Brahman consciousness to be known - as revealed in episodes of
Nirvikalpa Samadhi that have graced individual humans (rarely and intermittently) since the advent of our modern intellect some 150 Kya.

The Light of Cosmic Consciousness Creates and Sustains the Phenomenal Universe
Rational Mysticism: - Dispatches from the Border Between Science and Spirituality By John Horgan 2003. Chronicles the most advanced research into the mechanics--and meaning--of mystical experiences. How do trances, visions, prayer, satori, and other mystical experiences "work"? What induces and defines them? Is there a scientific explanation for religious mysteries and transcendent meditation? Horgan consulted a wide range of experts, including theologian Huston Smith; scientist Andrew Newberg on his quest for the "God module"; Ken Wilber, prominent transpersonal psychologist; Alexander Shulgin, legendary psychedelic drug chemist; and Susan Blackmore, Oxford-educated psychologist, parapsychology debunker, and Zenpractitioner.
Michael Whitman Many levels many worlds and psi; A guide to the work by John Poynton (2010?). The late Professor Michael Whiteman, an emeritus professor of applied mathematics at the University of Cape Town who had extensive psychical and mystical experience, along with an expert knowledge of classic mystical texts. produced a large body of literature relating to physical research. This 'guide' aims to help the reader to access this complex and often conceptually difficult material. It involves thinking about many levels of causation, and the possibility of many different worlds of experience. Whiteman's aim was to provide a rationally coherent and illuminating account of the 'inner constitution' of physical and non-physical worlds. Building mainly on concepts of potentiality and actualisation derived from quantum theory and classical sources, he developed a multilevel account of potentiality and resulting actualisation in physical and non-physical worlds...He rejected the materialisic view that reality subsists only in objects located in the one physical world; he recognized an "inexhaustible variety' of non-physical worlds of experience.
Franklin Merrell-Wolff- The Great Space Center- Home of The Transcendental Philosophy of Franklin Merrell-Wolff. Wolff grounds his philosophy in his Realizations, and not in mere rational speculation. In his written report of his mystical unfoldment, Wolff identifies three premonitory recognitions and two fundamental, or transcendental, Recognitions. Visit the official website of the Franklin-Merrell-Wolff Fellowship: Merrell-Wolff.org.
NeuroQuantology NeuroQuantology is a journal dedicated to supporting the interdisciplinary exploration of the nature of quantum physics and its relation to the nervous system. NeuroQuantology publishes material relevant to that exploration from the perspectives afforded by the disciplines of cognitive science, philosophy, psychology, quantum physics, neuroscience and artificial intelligence. Interdisciplinary discussions are particularly encouraged (free register to read entire PDF papers).
Neuroscience's New Consciousness Theory Is Spiritual Science and Nonduality, 2016 by Bobby Azarian - Integrated Information Theory (IIT), which has become quite a hot topic in contemporary neuroscience, claims to provide a precise way to measure consciousness and express the phenomenon in purely mathematical terms. Protons that feel IIT says that anything with a non-zero Phi has subjective experience. This includes subatomic particles. Koch writes: "Even simple matter has a modicum of Φ [integrated information]. Protons and neutrons consist of a triad of quarks that are never observed in isolation. They constitute an infinitesimal integrated system."
This has profound consequences. It would mean that consciousness is spread throughout space like a cosmic web of experience. Of course awareness is greatest where there is significant information integration, but in essence, "mind" (or "psyche") is everywhere. IIT turns out to be a modern twist on an ancient philosophical view known as "panpsychism". But before you go dismissing the concept because of its name, you should know that intellectual heavy hitters such as Baruch Spinoza, Gottfried Leibniz, and William James are all considered panpsychists. Its central tenant is that all matter has a mental aspect, which makes consciousness universal. Koch goes on: "The entire cosmos is suffused with sentience. We are surrounded and immersed in consciousness; it is in the air we breathe, the soil we tread on, the bacteria that colonize our intestines, and the brain that enables us to think."
The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. It should transcend personal God and avoid dogma and theology. Covering both the natural and the spiritual, it should be based on a religious sense arising from the experience of all things natural and spiritual as a meaningful unity. -Albert Einstein
The Ultimate Journey Consciousness and the Mystery of Death by Stanislav Grof, 2005 - The relevant point of this tremendous database for this, Grof's latest book, is that it is the experience of dying and being reborn - the "ultimate journey" that awaits us all - that effects the cure. That sentence is worth the reader's pausing for a moment to ponder, for its implication is enormous. If, even intellectually-cognitively, cerebrally - we were convinced that death is indeed followed by rebirth, this might go a long way toward curing nothing less than our lives. For fear is life's disease. We have it from Carl Jung that he had never had a patient over forty years of age whose problems did not root from his fear of approaching death. [excerpt of foreward by Huston Smith]
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Online searchable compendium of full-text papers, essays and definitions.
Mindful Universe by Henry P. Stapp, 2009. Opens at chaper 5 Quantum Propensities and the Brain-Mind Connection - examining the Copenhagen Interpretation and the role of human consciousness in quantum reality. See Also: Henry Stapp Published Work
Paul Davies- internationally acclaimed physicist, writer and broadcaster, who holds the position of Professor of Natural Philosophy in the Australian Centre for Astrobiology at Macquarie University, Sydney. His research interests are in the fields of cosmology, quantum field theory, and astrobiology. He is the author of over twenty books, including The Mind of God and God and the New Physics.
Beyond: Center for Fundamental Concepts in Science Paul Davies, Director. Mission Statement: For thousands of years, people have gazed in wonder at the world about them and asked the big questions: How did the universe come to exist? What is it made of? Where do human beings fit into the great cosmic scheme? Is there a meaning to it all? Such questions have mostly been restricted to religion and philosophy. Now scientists are addressing them too, following spectacular advances in cosmology, subatomic particle physics, molecular biology, genetics and neuroscience. Physicists are busy seeking a "theory of everything" - a way to meld the disparate laws of physics into an all-embracing mathematical scheme.
See also The Goldilocks Enigma by Paul Davies- The Mind of God and the anthropic principle.
Concept of Consciousness index to abstracts - U of Arizona: Promoting open, rigorous discussion of all phenomena related to conscious experience.
The Center for Process Studies- is a research center of Claremont School of Theology, and affiliated with Claremont Graduate University. CPS seeks to promote the common good by means of the relational approach found in process thought. Process thought is based on the work of philosophers Alfred North Whitehead and Charles Hartshorne, two contemporary examples of a longstanding philosophical tradition that emphasizes becoming and change over static being. Process thought helps to harmonize moral, aesthetic, and religious intuitions with scientific insights. It also grounds discussion between Eastern and Western religious and cultural traditions. Process thought offers an approach to the social, political, and economic order that brings issues of human justice together with a concern for ecology. Our wide range of interests includes multicultural, feminist, ecological, inter-religious, political, and economic concerns.
Physics and the Immortality of the Soul by Sean Carroll Discover Magazine, May-2011. The topic of "Life after death" raises disreputable connotations of past-life regression and haunted houses, but there are a large number of people in the world who believe in some form of persistence of the individual soul after life ends...Claims that some form of consciousness persists after our bodies die and decay into their constituent atoms face one huge, insuperable obstacle: the laws of physics underlying everyday life are completely understood, and there's no way within those laws to allow for the information stored in our brains to persist after we die. If you claim that some form of soul persists beyond death, what particles is that soul made of? What forces are holding it together? How does it interact with ordinary matter? (m-g comment: The really interesting part about Carroll's skeptical view is the range of reader's pro and con arguments.)
The Divine Matrix by Gregg Braden - Max Planck- Dr. John Wheeler - perceived matter is a manifest of a conscious matrix.
The Way of an Explorer by Edgar Mitchell, IONS Visionary Founder, At Age 73. An emerging new theory of consciousness from its inspired founder. His research seeks to integrate quantum-physics principles with transcultural religious metaphors and consciousness theories. His unique contribution is two-fold: (1) He has formulated a hypothesis about the nature and origins of consciousness itself, and (2) the integration of his theories with recent discoveries in quantum physics provides clues to physical mechanisms involved in the evolution of consciousness. In the best tradition of a noetic scientist, Mitchell's scientific endeavors are fueled by his personal immersion in the intuitive, subjective realm of knowing. The result is what has been called his "dazzling theory of everything"--a dyadic model of reality, set forth in his book. See also: Dyadic Model of Consciousness
Beyond Galileo's Universe by Ron Cowen, 2009. The Planck Mission; the WIMP miracle of dark matter; dark energy- real or unreal?.
Dark Energy Chronicles Are there any cosmological metaphors in Upanishads or other bodies of sacred Vedic or non dual texts or in the phenomenological or ontology of contemporary philosophers for integrating theories of dark energy that suggest a science/spirituality synthesis? An exploration of dark matter and energy from perspectives of science, quantum mechanics, consciousness and ontology.
Belief Knowledge Knowing Notes on evaluating credibility of Epistemology, Empericism, Phenomenology, Heuristics, Samadhi.
Belief and Knowledge -a plea about language by Helen Quinn, 2007. A discourse that is widely referenced as the definitive statement distinguishing scientific knowledge from belief- however the effort fails to make the distinction between blind faith in religious dogma (that is set up as the straw horse to represent 'belief') and the rational tentative belief in things science cannot find empirical evidence for such as consciousness.
A Quantum Consciousness Model of the Physical Universe Richard P. Nolan's paper laying out a model which reveals a universal consciousness, and shows how reality arises from this. (An argument I personally found very compelling in relationship to my own transcendent experience -mg.)
God or Blind Nature? online book: Philosophers Debate the Evidence (2007-2008) Edited and with Introductions by Paul Draper. The goal of this book is to bring together a group of distinguished philosophers with diverse religious and metaphysical beliefs to participate in a series of four nonpartisan debates. Unlike most debates about God's existence, however, each of these debates will focus on different specific areas of evidence for and against naturalism and theism. Of course, this project makes sense only if it is possible to test metaphysical claims like naturalism and theism by evidence.
AETHER: The Physicalists' God by Laurent R. Duchesne - How could God think or see with neither brains nor eyes? We are living in a time when uncertainty is widespread. A time when many are questioning current and mainstream dogma. Whether Christian or Muslim, Jewish or Hindu, many find no satisfaction, no fulfillment. World population is ripe for change, for re-focusing. Education needs to be re-directed at a worldwide scale. We need to focus more on Science and less on Religion. We need to toss away superstition and magic and stick to proven facts. There is no Universal Consciousness nor Mind, God can neither think nor see until it turns into brains with eyes. In this sense, we truly are God's servants. (However- Duchesne's hypothesis could also be taken to argue for the reality of Brahman, space as a conscious cosmic matrix, and Stapp's Copenhagen Interpretation that matter manifests only when a human observer collapses the wave function. mg)
Zygon Center of Religion and Science It is dedicated to relating religious traditions and the best scientific knowledge in order to gain insight into the origins, nature, and destiny of humans and their environment. The purpose of the Center is to bring together scientists, theologians, and other scholars to discuss and carry out research on basic questions and issues of human concern. from two sponsoring organizations:
(1) Institute on Religion in an Age of Science (IRAS). Founded in 1954, IRAS is an independent society of natural scientists, social scientists, philosophers, religion scholars, theologians, and others who seek to understand and reformulate the theory and practice of religion in the light of contemporary scientific knowledge. It is both an affiliate society of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and a member of the Council on the Study of Religion, a federation of learned societies in the field of religion. It is recipient of a John_Templeton_Foundation 2013 grant to teach the next generation of religious leaders to relate religious wisdom and scientific knowledge.
(2) The Zygon Center for Religion and Science was established in 1988 as a partnership program of the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago and the Center for Advanced Study in Religion and Science (CASIRAS). It is dedicated to relating religious traditions and the best scientific knowledge in order to gain insight into the origins, nature, and destiny of humans and their environment.
Philosophies of Cosmic Consciousness Alan Kazlev. Distinguishing among the variety of traditions alluded to by cosmic conscousness- Monism, Monistic as Opposed to Theistic Cosmology, Pantheism and Acosmism, Panetheism.
Modern Deism an unofficial definition by J. Hardwick. Deists develop a belief in God based on the foundation and the application of our ability to use Reason. While there are no "official" tenets of Deism, many of the following "unofficial" tenets might be the best way to introduce generally accepted beliefs within Deism. Most Deists will agree with these basic tenets and regard Deism as a personal philosophy (theology) and as a religion. Many may expand on these beliefs and may also add personal touches. This is appropriate and encouraged as Reason tells us that humans are freethinkers that have different beliefs and experiences.
Consciousness in Physics Recent books incorporating the notion of a consciousness as a component of particle action.
On Scientism, Religionism and Intelligent Design
maya-gaia critiques of articles in New Scientist
Two articles that appeared in the 12 April 2008 New Scientist provided archetypal examples of how scientism distinguishes itself from religionisim in what Stephen Gould described as a Non-Overlapping Magisteria created exclusively from the empirical method, which they claim is the only rational Measure of reality. The consequence is that atheistic scientists clothe themselves with the mantle of true knowledge while casting dispersion on theistic notions as concepts conceived out of ignorance and superstition.
The first is a Commentary by cosmologist Lawrence Krauss who starts out posing as a curmudgeon of both scientism and religionism. He says theism "...must take into account what we have found to be true about the physical universe" adding "But as a cosmologist, theological revelations are irrelevant."
Firstly- theism is a virtually infinite spectrum of belief which includes the prophetic religions with an anthropomorphized God and quasi-historic figures to quasi-atheistic theism such as Zen Buddhism and various post-modern integral spiritual adaptations of the non-dual Brahmic traditions.
Secondly- there is no trouble for many non-fundamentalist theists or all who believe in a Supreme or Cosmic Consciousness to find what science discovers about the physical universe to be true. Rather than undermining their faith, the further science reveals the intracacy of nature the more imminent a convergence of spirit and nature seems likely.
Thirdly Krauss totally avoids the metareality of consciousness, which brings some theological philosophy in a rational parity with scientific philosophy - the very basis by which the Templeton Foundation promotes a dialog of mutuality. I understand his fears that scientists who participate in Templeton programs may be "enhancing the foundation's spiritual mission" which he defines as "finding divine purpose in nature." Krauss distinguishes himself from atheistic activists like Richard Dawkins by claiming an even higher level of enlightenment and in a supreme condescension holds that all theistic notions are so preposterous as to have no relevancy whatsoever and should have no standing in defining a paradigm of ultimate reality.
In Amanda Gefter's 'Review' of Ben Stein's documentary film Expelled she spends the entire critique on the propagandist nature of the film but nowhere acknowledges the fact that a broad culture of propaganda has been endemic in American schools and colleges over the past thirty years- indoctrinating students with an exclusively secular-progressive scientism especially as it relates to the origin of nature. As in critiques of the book The Privileged Planet which was promoted by The Discovery Institute the fact that Expelled was sponsored by this organization that has a spiritual agenda becomes the foil by which the message of Stein's film is attacked rather than addressing the issue of the intellectual/political bias that flourishes in our educational culture which the film documents.
*The Panda's Thumb The execrable propaganda film Expelled production company Premise Media went bankrupt in 2011 and The Panda's Thumb considered a bid to acquire rights so they could subject it to ridicule. The Panda's Thumb is the virtual pub of the University of Ediacara. The patrons gather to discuss evolutionary theory, critique the claims of the antievolution movement, defend the integrity of both science and science education, and share good conversation. Currently an epicenter for the scientism community to review Expelled- the movie with mostly (no surprise) ad hominem attacks.
Expelled Critique Michael Shermer's Skeptics 2-part expose of Ben Stein's Expelled
Welcome to Expelled Exposed- a detailed look at the Ben Stein movie Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed. We'll show you why this movie is not a documentary at all, but anti-science propaganda aimed at creating the appearance of controversy where there is none.
Sites Examining Darwinism and Intellegent Design
Theosophical Synthesis Presenting resources to explore issues in the tension between science/spirituality and evolution/creation and to examine possibilities for finding common ground and synthesis.
Evolution-Involution Introduction and link to Flash slideshow for study and contemplation of human phylogeny back to the Big Bang and beyond.
Intelligent Design A weblog by scientists William A. Dembski and friends keeping the debate updated with forum and resources for Expelled- the movie.
Post Darwinist This blog provides updated stories that Denyse O'Leary, a Toronto-based journalist, has found to be of interest, as she covers the growing intelligent design controversy. It supports her book By Design or by Chance? (Augsburg 2004). Does the universe - and do life forms - show evidence of intelligent design? If so, Carl Sagan was wrong and so is Richard Dawkins. Now what?
Review: The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins Lunging, Flailing, Mispunching by Terry Eagleton 19 October 2006 "Imagine someone holding forth on biology whose only knowledge of the subject is the Book of British Birds, and you have a rough idea of what it feels like to read Richard Dawkins on theology. Card-carrying rationalists like Dawkins, who is the nearest thing to a professional atheist we have had since Bertrand Russell, are in one sense the least well-equipped to understand what they castigate, since they don't believe there is anything there to be understood, or at least anything worth understanding."
A Darwin Critique Marcel-Paul Schüerger (1920-1996) was Professor of the Faculty of Sciences at the University of Paris and a member of the Academy of Sciences. Darwin's theory, he observed, and the interpretation of biological systems as formal objects, were at odds insofar as randomness is known to degrade meaning in formal contexts- also argued that Darwin's theory logically required some active principle of coordination between the typographic space of the informational macromolecules (DNA and RNA) and the organic space of living creatures themselves -- which Darwin's theory does not provide.
Cosmos, Bios, Theos: Scientists Reflect on Science, God, and the Origins of Life, 1992, by Yale physicist Henry Margenau and Roy Abraham Varghese. A 1992 work produced not by theologians but by 60 world-class scientists, 24 Nobel Prize-winners among them. Cosmos, Bios, Theos gives their thoughts on the Deity and the origin of the universe and of life on Earth. (Link is Google Book index to other works that reference the book.)
Darwin's God by Robin Marantz Henig (New York Times March 4, 2007) Explores some theories on why belief in an omniscient God seems to be hardwired into human consciousness. The spandrel effect holds that it evolved with no survival advantage but is simply an irrational artifact of our mind's evolution. The adaptationists say religious groups evolved and outlasted others because they were more cohesive, more likely to contain individuals willing to make sacrifices for the group and more adept at sharing resources and preparing for warfare. (mg: No mention of any intrinsic transcendent reality.)
A Flock of Dodos -The Evolution - Intelligent Design Circus Randy Olson, a Harvard-trained evolutionary biologist turned filmmaker explores the debate in a new film. Despite it's evenhandedness in interviews with supporter on both sides, it's seriously flawed premise- lumps SID along with all the other versions of ID pitted against evolution.
Debate over ID Natural History magazine hosted this debate by emminent scientists over an ambiguous Intelligent Design hypothesis.
Criticism of Darwinism results for Google search for "criticism+of+Darwinism".
RAE Revolution Against Evolution...the hotbed for Creationist Theosophy.
First Things index to papers on various versions of ID in Catholic Journal published by The Institute on Religion and Public Life, an interreligious, nonpartisan research and education institute whose purpose is to advance a religiously informed public philosophy for the ordering of society. |
Evolutionary Enlightenment a history of spiritual evolution and the teachings of Andrew Cohen. But on the dark side- Mother of God the story of Cohen's mother denouncing her son's manipulative character.
Critique of Andrew Cohen the Center For Naturalism a philosophical construct for replacing theism, dualism and spiritualism to answer atheist's needs for coherence and meaning. Among it's controversial tenants- we do not have free will, determinism but without fatalism results.
Ripples on the Surface of Being: An interview with Eckhart Tolle by Andrew Cohen. Tolle is the best-selling author of The Power of Now and A New Earth Introduction: by Carter Phipps; "As more and more sophisticated enlightenment teachings and techniques were proliferating in Western culture, more people than ever were having peak experiences, powerful awakenings, and real glimpses of enlightened consciousness. And as a result, something very interesting was happening. Many of the teachings that were proving so effective at catapulting individuals into heightened states of consciousness and provoking extraordinary experiences of a reality beyond time and space were also proving inadequate to address the question that inevitably arises on the heels of such awakenings: How do I live? How do I relate to the manifest world?"
Universe Review An encyclopedic resource for articles and images describing the material universe- but some content relating to consciousness as in this example.
About Big Mind by Genpo Roshi
A crash course of opening your small mind to Zen's big mind in 24 hours.
Cults and Cosmic Consciousness- Religious Visions in the American 1960s- an insightful synopsis by Camille Paglia presenting an insiders look into the epistemology of how Eastern religious neo concepts incorporated into the drug inspired paradigms of the flower children and their evolution to the Aquarian New Age.
Unanimity and Disagreement Among Transpersonal Psychologists by Joel Funk,
Plmouth State College. Is the perception of Unanaminity at the deepest level among all schools of transpersonal psychology, philosophy, mysticism, religion and esoteric tradition- veridical or just appearance? An epistemological approach through the creation of a tentative model of consciousness synthesizing the works of Gowan (1975), Washburn (1988), M. Epstein (1988), Wilber (1980), William James (1890/1950), Grof (1980), Ring (1984), Maslow (1971) et al.
American Scientist- Online magazine of Sigma XI- The Scientific Research Society
Richard P. Feynman- won Noble Prize for pioneering work in
Quantum Electrodynamics a relativistic quantum field theory of electromagnetism. QED mathematically describes all phenomena involving electrically charged particles interacting by means of exchange by photons, whether the interaction is between light and matter or between two charged particles.
Introduction to Wave Structure of Matter- holistic reality philosophical portal website - Uniting Metaphysics, Philosophy, and Physics from One Thing, Absolute Space and the Spherical Standing Wave Structure of Matter.
Quantum Consciousness Resources Google 5-star answer for: Resources for connection and affects of Quantum Physics and Cosmological theories on our ideas and understanding of the nature of reality and its connection to "human" consciousness. Includes all of Shan Gao
papers on the relation between quantum collapse, consciousness, superluminal communication and panpsychism. See also the book Quantum Motion: Unveiling the Mysterious Quantum World by Shan Gao.
Bell's Theorem No physical theory of local hidden variables can ever reproduce all of the predictions of quantum mechanics.
This theorem has even been called the most profound in science. Proponents claim experimental evidence proves that quantum events are not dependent on a human observer- a much disputed conclusion.
Non-ordinary and Transcendent Experiences Transpersonal Aspects of Consciousness- William Braud - The May 5, 2001, Fourth Consilience Conference, -Towards A Consilient Model of Knowing: Consciousness and the Participatory Worldview,- of The Graduate Institute, The Standing Conference for Educational Research, Yale University, New Haven, CT.
Numinous Experience and religious Language Leon Schlamm 1992 An examination of The Idea of the Holy by Rudolph Otto. "I suggest that Otto actually intended to evoke novel numinous experiences through the process of association of analogous feelings, but also to assist in the recovery of memories of numinous experiences long since forgotten and thereby to convince his readers of the reality, vitality, value and authority of religious experience. These observations, I believe, explain why Otto writes about numinous experience a all, when he insists that its distinctive features cannot be adequately communicated by language. That numinous experiences are not always interpreted religiously has been frequently suggested. See, for example J.C.A. Gaskin, The Quest for Eternity, 1982 R. Hepburn, Christianity and Paradox, 1966; D. Hay, Exploring Inner Space, 1982"
Physics of Consciousness One of the numerous successful enterprises of science is the evolving explanation of where consciousness comes from. Many if not most of the details still elude us, but we know with certainty the basic facts: All elements of consciousness are not just equivalent to, but actually Are the complex patterns of firing neurons in the brain. We all know this basic fact, and yet upon consideration it is surprising and fascinating - as vastly different phenomenon as sensory perception, emotions, and analytical thought are all realized with the same currency.
Journal of Consciousness Studies-
Presenting serious peer-reviewed scientific and humanistic papers in non-technical language
Including philosophical critiques of contemporary research.
European Hubble Site makes images and videos easily accessible for newbies.
Humanist Elitism Why have so many in the academic and intellectual communities abandoned all professional standards for truthfulness when it comes to making political pronouncements? From the halls of academia...how liberal humanism (secular progressives) erodes our national will to meet the deadly threat of Islamist terrorism. See Also: Humanizing Suicide Bombers Paradise Now - the 'Palestinian' movie that glorifies terrorists and won a Golden Globe Award from the LLL's in Pallywood.
John D. Barrow theoretical physicist, and mathematician. He is currently Research Professor of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Cambridge. Author of 16 books for lay people including The Anthropic Cosmological Principle.
The Paradox of God and the Omniscience of Science Clifford Pickover asserts that discussions on the supernatural are not beyond the domain of science
Ken Wilbur the foremost thinker in the field of the evolution of consciousness and the most translated academic author in the United States.
Paradigm Home page of Dr. Charles T. Tart, leading figure in field of transpersonal psychology, parapsychology and consciousness research. He is Professor Emeritus of Psychology at the University of California, Davis, and a core faculty member of the Institute for Transpersonal Psychology
David Deutsch Oxford physicist and author of The Fabric of Reality presenting the multiverse hypothesis.
The Elegant Universe 3 hr miniseries by PBS Nova: film documentary surveying advances in theoretical physics - Einstein's Dream; String's the Thing; Welcome to the 11th Dimension.
Misunderstood Universe in The Misunderstood Universe by Sol Aisenberg, 2009 This analysis of the standard model of the universe will examine, identify, warn, and explain the various reasons and ways that the standard model of the universe is seriously misunderstood and misleading
Washington Center for Consciousness Studies papers by Rudy Bauer, PhD The purpose of the Center is to enhance the study and practice of the art of becoming aware of the nature of our own awareness...of becoming conscious of consciousness itself. Through science and physics, the empirical knowledge of the nature of subtle fields has been opened for us, confirming the understanding of contemporary phenomenological philosophy and psychology that consciousness is a field. Even more remarkably, recent science is confirming the mystic view of the ancient spiritual and healing traditions both eastern and western which describe a self-generating ground state of the universe. This ground field connects self to self, tradition to tradition, culture to culture and universe to universe.
Physics and the Immortality of the Soul Scientific American May 23, 2011 by Sean Carroll. There are a large number of people in the world who believe in some form of persistence of the individual soul after life ends. Clearly this is an important question, one of the most important ones we can possibly think of in terms of relevance to human life. If science has something to say about, we should all be interested in hearing. Adam Frank thinks that science has nothing to say about it. He advocates being "firmly agnostic" on the question. Adam claims that there "simply is no controlled, experimental[ly] verifiable information" regarding life after death. By these standards, there is no controlled, experimentally verifiable information regarding whether there are areas of the Moon made of green cheese.
The Wonder of the World A Journey from Modern Science to the Mind of God by Roy Abraham Varghese. An illuminating discussion and encyclopedic overview of the mind-spirit interface expressed in the writing of the world's most distinguished scientists and philosophers- includes an extremely comprehensive bibliography. However Varghese argues that the concept of monotheism God as a Person is the most compatable construct for synthesis with science. For another view see next link.
Science Without Bonds In a clear and conscise style D'Amano describes concepts held over the broad spectrum of knowledge and belief (scrupulously referencing quotations from leading scientists, philosophers, mystics and religious notables)- then in a process of lucid distillation builds a compelling argument for why a synthesis between science and monism- God is Not A Person mysticism is most promising. Complete book free download
David Bohm physicist and author of Wholeness and The Implicate Order in which he challenges some generally prevailing views about Quantum and relativity theory and proposes a common grounding for consciousness and matter.
The Pribram-Bohm Hypothesis - Part I The Cosmology of Consciousness - Abstract: A holoflux theory of consciousness as modulated energy is hypothesized and shown to support both local and non-local properties. This thesis emerges from an integral evaluation of evidence drawn from: (1) the holonomic mind/brain theories of Karl Pribram, (2) the ontological interpretatio of quantum theory by David Bohm.
The Pribram-Bohm Hypothesis - Part II The Physiology of Consciousness - Abstract: A physiology of consciousness is elaborated, based upon implications of the Pribram-Bohm hypothesis (developed in Part I of this series). The model presented here is in sharp contrast to the prevailing conviction among neuroscientists that consciousness will eventually be discovered to be a physiological epiphenomenon of neuronal electrical impulses firing in the brain. In contrast, the Pribram-Bohm theory holds that consciousness, in what Bohm views cosmologically as "the Whole," manifests as a dynamic conscious energy resonanace bridging the explicate space-time domain with the nonlocal, transcendent flux domain termed the "implicate order".
Astrobiology NASA's Astrobiology Institute is a hub for the interdiciplinary science for the study of life in the universe including Earth.
Happiness of Being A website dedicated to exploring in depth the philosophy and practice of the spiritual teachings of Bhagavan Sri Ramana. e-book copy of Happiness and the Art of Being, which is an in-depth introduction by Michael James to his philosophy and practice.
Science/God Debate -2005, Does Modern Science Undermine Atheism? Prominent atheist philosopher Antony Flew has announced that the latest science convinces him some sort of God exists after all. Religious Roy Varghese, MD and aetheist writer Christopher Hitchens debate his rethinking.
Copenhagen Interpretation an example of a debate...in this case over quantum mechanics, which brings into question whether many esoteric scientific issues can be argued with any greater testability or epistemologic validity than many of those in philosophy or ontology.
Experimental Philosophys by Joshua Knobe 2008, Assistant Professor of Philosophy UNC Chapel Hill. In the good old days, science and philosophy were one, and philosophers were the leading scientists of their day. Then philosophers took to admiring science from a distance, and philosophy became, for scientists, a distant memory of sophomore year. But the good old days are coming back, and this volume heralds their arrival. Philosophers are once again discovering interesting things about the human mind, and scientists are once again discovering philosophy. - Joshua Greene, Department of Psychology, Harvard University. One of the most exciting and controversial developments in philosophy in recent years. Whether it undermines or extends the methods of traditional philosophy, it raises questions that go to the heart of philosophical inquiry. - David Chalmers, Department of Philosophy, Australian National University
Physics Forums Thread A Model for Panpsychic Consciousness: Panpsychism is the theory that consciousness exists independently of physical processes, possibly as a universal principle. There are a number of variations, and here I will add my own twist to it (for more)
*Physics Org Forum an example of how hypothetical a science debate can get- yet still be respected as scientific...click thru pages for example topic by "Zepher".
Mathematica Visualization a gallery of digital representations by Jeff Bryant- opening with a spectacular animation of calabi-yau surface from string theory.
On the Ineffable Nature of the Advaita Experience
Cosmic and Mystical Consciousness essay by Erik van Ruysbeek: Ruysbeek offers much insight to non-dual philosophy but argues for distinguishing between Cosmic Consciousness and "True" mysticism (Tat Tvam Asi Thou art That) with confliction similar to that which Ramana had in explaining his distinction between Nirvikalpa and Sahaja Samadhi. His ontology begs for the application of Ocam's razor which prescribes that a principle should not be divided beyond a point essential to defining it. Further, like all who face the Catch 22 in explaining Advaita before him, he violates a fundamental axiom which he claims to support in the following passage: "Thereafter one really experiences it, the complete advaita, which cannot be brought under words. For every word would remove the experience from the advaita. Every word would be an interpretation from the non-advaita and destroy the advaita. 'Those who know do not speak, those who speak do not know' said Lao-Tse five centuries before Christ. And to the present day this is still the case."
But addressing the issue of ineffability, Timothy Conway- Varieties of Nondual Realization: Divine Play as One/Many 2006, says: "Certain teachers express almost shame over having to use words to teach, and express futility in trying to "eff the ineffable", as Alan Watts joked. A longstanding bias- coming from certain teachers and texts themselves- idealizes a phenomenal state of "no talking"/"no concepts" and makes this somehow equivalent with the ultimate "silence of the Self". [But]...Listen to Krishna's nondual teachings in the Bhagavad Gita and later Bhagavatam Purana; the Buddha's wisdom words in the Pali Canon and, along with Nagarjuna, Vimalakirti, et al., in the Mahayana canonical texts; later Indian sages like Gaudapada, Shankara, Saraha, Utpaladeva, Jnaneshvar, Kabir, and, in the West, Sufis like Bistami, al-Hallaj, Sana'i, Rumi, and Christian and Jewish mystics like Erigena, Meister Eckhart, and Moses Cordovero.
This is why Nisargadatta insisted that there be ample clarifying discussion before settling in for any kind of silent meditation: "First words, then 'silence'- one must be ripe for silence." So a bias against speech, per se, need not characterize nondual spirituality. No need for embarrassment over words and concepts.
Even the Ch'an/Zen/Son Buddhist tradition, which of all our sacred traditions most "vociferously" puts down "attachment to words and concepts", itself generated countless words and concepts to express itself, didactically and poetically."
Probably a major reason the numinous experience has remained ineffable over the past millennia is the acute problem of putting the 'feelings' that are its essence into a coherent language. Leon Schlamm addresses the issue in his essay Numinous Experience and Religious Language An examination of Rudolph Otto's The Idea of the Holy regarding intelligibly communicating transcendent experience- with comparison to other philosophers and phenomenologists (William James, Steven Katz, Henri Bergson, Martin Buber, etc.) who have agonized over, or asserted, the inexpressible tremendum, fascinans and ineffable mysterium moments of numinous experience. |
The Mystical Debate: Constructivism and the Resurgence of Perennialism by Adam Tyson. To this day, what is termed "mystical experience" is still a hotly debated subject. On the modern landscape of this debate, there are at least two notable ideological camps which stand in opposition to one another: the perennialistsand and the constructivist. See William James' exploration of mysticism in The Varieties of Religious Experience. Constructivists, such as Steven Katz, posit that in terms of how mystical experience is to be interpreted, is that 1) there is no objective, numinous reality with which the mystic can interact or identify, and 2) there is no innate experience independent of mental and cultural constructs.
Gerald Schroeder distinguished physicist and author of Hiddin Face of God, Genesis and The Big Bang, Science of God and others.
*Objections to the Fine Tuning Argument by Nicholas Covington. To review, some people have argued that the apparent improbability of our universe being able to support life is evidence for theism. To this, some have countered that we couldn't observe anything except life supporting universe (we're here, duh!) and so therefore the so called "fine-tuning" of the universe is meaningless. - See more at: Elliot Sober's Objection Posts take issues with The Anthropic Principle argued amongst philosopers.
CTNS Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences- Spiritual Quest articles.
*IONS Perception and Reality forum at the Institute for Noetic Sciences.
TASTE Archive of site hosted by Charles T. Tart of accounts of Scientists describing their transcendent experiences. See also The End of Materialism: How Evidence of the Paranormal is Bringing Science and Spirit Together by Dr. Charles T. Tart, 2009.
Probing the Limits of the Quantum World- Physics Web Feature: March 2005 Molecules with over 100 atoms can be made to interfere, according to recent experiments that study the transition from the quantum to the classical world. Ever since quantum theory was developed during the first quarter of the 20th century, we have lived with a strange division. Objects in our daily lives behave "normally" - they appear to obey classical physics - whereas microscopic objects can behave counterintuitively and reveal intriguing features of quantum physics. But where exactly is the boundary between the quantum and classical worlds - if, indeed, there is one? If quantum physics is a universal theory, why is it respectable to talk about the quantum behavior of electrons but not, say, of footballs?
*God particle Physorg forum thread about the Higgs Boson and God Particle article From the inference that life constitutes the perpetual seed of the universe follows that the Higgs mechanism is the cosmic seed's mechanism, and consequently mass-giving is life-giving. The perpetual cosmic seed or Higgs boson - prophetically dubbed the God particle...In a nutshell, just as a tree is the seed's way of making reproductions of itself, the universe is the Higgs boson's way of making reproductions of itself.
Panpsychism- A Physics Forums thread: an empirical inductive method by Les Sleeth 2004: Metaphysics in philosophy has always had a big problem: evidence. The approach in the past was to assume facts a priori, and then for discussions to proceed rationalistically. Most thinkers now understand that with logic alone we discover little about the metaphysical nature of reality.
The Primordial Leap and the Present: The ever-present origin - an overview of the work of Jean Gebser by Ed Mahood, jr. Jean Gebser cultural philosopher- a student of literature, poetry, psychology and science, Gebser brings a unique combination of talents to bear upon the subject of his investigation: the evolution of stages of consciousness of which "the integrative" we are presently experiencing. Introduces concepts of Eteology- Systasis and Synairesis. "only in philosophical thought can the world be represented; for the integral perception of truth, the world is pure statement, and thus "verition."
Mission to Mars A science-fiction suspense story (2000) directed by Brian De Palma. (A review by m-g:) Around 100 percent of film reviewers rated unfavorable as compared to Kubrick's 2001-A Space Odyssey but I was impressed with four specific elements in the film scenario that are recurrent themes in my Maya-Gaia samadhi chronicles. The first was a one-minute animated morph sequence portraying the seed of life (as in a kind of Panspermia magically initiated by an "alien creator being") that evolves from single cell, through fish, tetrapods, dinosaurs, into primal humans chasing bison - (somewhat distorting the phylogenic reality) but at least providing a simplistic animation of Darwinian evolution - a rare topic for any big-screen production. Elements 2, 3 and 4 appeared at the end where Gary Sinise's character Jim McConnell, has decided not to return to Earth and instead accepts the alien entity's offer to transport him to "her" cosmic realm. (I view this as a synchronicity for the moment in my Nirvikalpa Samadhi Journey where I was confronted with a choice to return to phenomenal life on Earth or agree to die and continue my journey into the unknown.) The depiction of his ascent shows a tiny body rapidly rising through a narrow verticle beam of brilliant light that I easily view as metaphor for my transporting "stream of energy". A more telling metaphor was the moment in his transport when McConnell finds himself suddenly immersed in a rising body of fluid (water?) that inexorably threatens to drown him. This is powerful metaphor (I experienced a papable sense of deja vu) for the moment when I experienced a blazing light starting at my feet and coursing up my body - extinguishing my substance and the anxiety I felt as my self/mind was annihilated is reflected in Sinise's expression as he is totally engulfed. The moment when he discovers he can "breathe/survive" submerged is a vague metaphor for my transformation from dual to non dual consciousness union with Brahman light/bliss/love. Of course the film's primary disconnect from events in my samadhi experience is attributing all the created events to a fictional "alien cosmological being" rather than to the divine cosmic consciousness (panendeism) that I subscribe to.
Psyche Search application for compendium of selected links to esoteric subjects and websites.
Existence of God?- 1 Philosophical issues: Definition of God's existence; Epistemology; The problem of the supernatural; Nature of relevant Proofs/Arguments - 2 Arguments for the existence of God: Arguments from historical events or personages; Inductive arguments (for); Arguments from testimony (for); Arguments grounded in personal experience - 3 Arguments for the non-existence of God: Empirical arguments; Deductive arguments; Inductive arguments; Subjective arguments - 4 Conclusions- Theism: God exists and this can be demonstrated; God exists, but this cannot be demonstrated or refuted - 5 Conclusions- Atheism: Strong atheism; Weak atheism; Agnosticism - 6 Psychological Issues
Peter Mutnick PM's lively and ongoing attempt to establish the basis for a new rigorous science fully inclusive of consciousness, subjective experience and mysticism. Discussions with Henry Stapp, Jack Sarfatti, Stuart Hameroff and perspectives on Heisenberg, Einstein, Bohr, Bohm, et al. (Peter Mutnick died July 2008, peacefully last week in the Oncology Unit at Alta Bates at the age of 59.)
Skeptical Investigations One of its purposes is to reclaim the positive values of skepticism from the dogmatists. It has two sides, one focusing on positive skeptical investigations, the other investigating skeptics. It also includes a Who's Who of media skeptics.
*EDGE The Intelligent Universe- Edge Foundation is to promote inquiry into and discussion of intellectual, philosophical, artistic, and literary issues, as well as to work for the intellectual and social achievement of society. Full-text articles online by many of the worlds leaders in all fields of knowledge.
NOVA Online space science documentaries- string theory, origins, multidementional worlds.

Closer to Truth PBS documentaries on discussions about Science, Meanings and the Future. This page- Are Parts of Human Experience Beyond Scientific Understanding?
Down the Rabbit Hole Documentary film sequel to What the Bleep Do We Know? exploring how quantum reality may effect ordinary lives. However, the material awards the teachings of Ramtha- Ramtha's School of Enlightenment with undue credibility. (mg: I was also profoundly offended and disenchanted by the book's example, of how lying has become culturally acceptable, by including the following footnote: "Case in point: The leaders in America produced a series of lies to manipulate the country into a war that killed tens of thousands of people. And, by and large, America just shrugs" This revealed to me a supreme arrogance and sense of elitism had taken hold of the What the Bleep production team (the enlightened ones) by which they felt free to make outrageous claims without any credible evidence- not only in the quantum world but the phenomenal world as well. See link below for additional critique and go here for more examples of humanist elitism in academia.)
Quantum Enigma by Bruce Rosenblum and Fred Kuttner 2006- Artfully tackles two of the greatest mysteries of modern science, quantum mechanics and consciousness. It has long been suspected that these mysteries are somehow related: the authors' treatment of this thorny and controversial issue is honest, wide-ranging and immensely readable. The book contains some of the clearest expositions of the strange and paradoxical nature of the quantum world. Quantum Enigma is a pleasure to read, and I am sure it is destined to become a classic." George Greenstein: Professor of Astronomy, Amherst College, Co-author of The Quantum Challenge: Modern Research on the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics. Dave Bacon Blog A skeptical (classical physics) perspective on the book with blog commentaries: "You should therefore not find it surprising that I have the biggest beef with the human "consciousness" being important for interpretations because I cannot fathom that we are special enough as to be central to a major component of how the universe operates. Why must we always encounter human consciousness? Why not a rabbit's consciousness or a robots consciousness or a railroad track's consciousness?"
Supraintelligence Network created by Dr. Roger Blomquist author of Integrated Theory of Intelligence 1991 references early books about universal consciousness but site has not been updated to include RE and PP.
Hitchhiker's Guide To The Universe- the fictional series by Douglas Adams about a search for an answer to the ultimate question.
Warning: spoiler lines reveal the Zen and quantum-like twists and turns including various endings.
Mind Science Foundation Founder Tom Slick's mission to understand the nature of intelligence.
Consciousness Studies This is a directory of 2573 online papers on consciousness and related topics. Most papers are by academic philosophers or scientists.
Quantum Consciousness Stuart Hameroff MD, website about biological, psychological, philosophical brain-mind aspects.
Scimednet Christian de Quincey is professor of philosophy at John Kennedy University and a former editor of IONS magazine
Secular Reply A critique by Raymond Bradley, Honorary Associate of the NZ Association of Rationalists and Humanists Professor of Antony Flew's conversion from atheist to agnostic.
Materialism of the Gaps- B. Alan Wallace, Santa Barbara Institute for Consciousness Studies examines the gap in scientific understanding. If the tools of science cannot detect a state of consciousness, does this mean consciousness does not exist? Virtually all cognitive scientists today assume that consciousness and all subjectively experienced mental processes are functions of the brain, and are therefore emergent properties or functions of matter. This is the mainstream scientific view of consciousness, and those who reject this hypothesis are commonly viewed by many scientists as being in the grip of a metaphysical bias or religious faith.
Forum Discusion of Materialism of the Gaps The fact that no state of consciousness - in fact, no subjectively experienced mental phenomenon of any kind- is detectable using the instruments of science means that, strictly speaking, there is no scientific, empirical evidence for the existence of consciousness or the mind. The only experiential evidence we have for the existence of mental phenomena consists of reports based on first-person, introspective observations of one's own mental states. The science of measuring samadhi is in its early stage. Right now it is still like a snake chasing its tail- Subjectively, the subject says, "OK I am in samadhi", and the subject is measured. Then the measurement becomes evidence of the state.
Mystical Experience In a recent review of the mystical experience Lukoff and Lu (1988) acknowledged that the "definition of a mystical experience ranges greatly (p. 163)." Maslow (1969) offered 35 definitions of "transcendence", a term often associated with mystical experiences and used by Alexander et al. to refer to the process of accessing PC." Three empirical instruments have been developed to date. They are the Mysticism Scale by Hood (1975), a specific question by Greeley (1974) and the State of Consciousness Inventory by Alexander (1982; Alexander, Boyer, & Alexander, 1987). Hood's (1975) scale was developed from conceptual categories identified by Stace (1960). Lukoff (1985) identified five common characteristics of mystical experiences which could be operationalized for assessment purposes.
Religion & Science An overview of various books, philosophical theories, etc. up to 1995
Particle Adventure Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory produced this interactive tutorial for
students as an introduction to the science of particle physics.
Tao of Metaphysics- Exploration of Tao inspired interpretations of reality/consciousness.
Timothy Leary's Eight Circuits of Consciousness- from Robert Anton Wilson's- Cosmic Trigger: Final Secret of the Illuminati Dr. Leary assumes that the nervous system consists of eight potential circuits, or "gears," or mini-brains. Four of these brains are in the usually active left lobe and are concerned with our terrestrial survival; four are extraterrestrial, reside in the "silent" or inactive right lobe, and are for use in our future evolution. This explains why the right lobe is usually inactive at this stage of our development, and why it becomes active when the person ingests psychedelics.
Mind & Life Institute To establish a powerful working collaboration and research partnership between modern science and Buddhism - the world's two most powerful traditions for understanding the nature of reality and investigating the mind.